I'm a Freshman at Don Soffer Aventura High School. I'm creative and passionate about Travel and Art, and my favorite color is red. From an early age, I have enjoyed different trips with my family which have helped me see different cultures and broaden my perspective in life through new experiences and adventures. I have also taken Art and Photography classes in and after school, which has helped me understand colors, lighting and composition.
My main goal with this blog is to manage my classwork and projects for my AICE Media Studies class. As I work in developing the steps to create a magazine, this blog will outline the preliminary tasks, research, planning and production stages, including reflection and editing choices. I would like to invite you to join my journey to discover this process while sharing my passion about Travel and the Arts in general. Hope you enjoy it!
Hi! My name is Alexandra Bentes.
CONTAct me
For any questions or comments, you can reach me here:
aly.bentes@gmail.com or drop me a line: